what are the best brands for refrigerators
The world of refrigerators is a difficult one to navigate. Many people are unsure what brand of refrigerator they should buy, either because they do not know the qualities that different brands have or because they have a budget in mind. There are many questions that need answering before any final decisions can be made: Are you going for the cheapest fridge or for something with more features? Are you looking for a top-of-the line refrigerator, or will one from the middle tier suffice? What size and type of refrigerator should I get?
This article hopes to answer these questions and make this difficult choice easier on any reader seeking guidance on which type of refrigerator to purchase.
Image source: https://www.reliancedigital.in/
Before we look at the features and know how to narrow down the choice of fridges, it is important to understand what a new refrigerator means. A new refrigerator is not just a new box for storing food. It requires power for the compressor and cooling mechanism. A small fridge sits somewhere between 150 and 200 W of power, while bigger fridges can use up to 700 W or more. In order to offset this cost, it is vital that every purchase be made with care so that a lower energy model is picked. Compact freezers have similar concerns. These also use a lot of power, which makes it all the more important to look at the watts per hour of any compact freezers you are considering.
With that out of the way, let’s look at some different types of refrigerators and their features:
Side by Side Refrigerators: These are very popular in the US. They are at least as wide as they are tall and can fit in a lot more food than their top-freezer counterparts. Their doors open on either side, so they easily straddle counters and make storage easier. These are especially convenient for those who have small kitchens with less space to work with or when it is necessary to keep food away from other items (like chemicals). These fridges take up a lot of space and thus need to be chosen with care. They are generally heavier than top-freezers too.
Image source: https://www.flipkart.com/
Top Freezer Refrigerators: These are long and have a freezer at the bottom. They are generally slightly more energy-efficient than side by side freezers, but this does not mean that they should be chosen over their counterparts unless a lot of space is at a premium.
Compact Refrigerators: These appliances are very popular in small houses or rooms with little space. They can also be useful for storing canned foods, which tend to take up less space than bottles of drinks, for example.
Fridge Freezer Combos: These appliances are very common in the US and contain both a fridge and a freezer. Their main advantage is that they can be very slim and can thus be placed in rooms that have little space.
Now that you know a bit about different types of fridges, let’s look at what features to look for in these fridges. When buying refrigerators, there are three features to consider: Power consumption, food storage and convenience. Depending on which of these features is most important to you, you should pick up a different brand or model with different features.
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